Friday, July 08, 2005

Little Rock

Busy days. Lack of sleep.
We're waiting for the Couscous; provided by Wafae Amrani, from the finance department. My first Couscous with La Vie éco after countless couscous with Maroc Hebdo, in the garden.
My life changed. And I changed.
Yesterday, I went out in Casa, for the first time. Kenz, Fatine, Jiji, Karim, Marouane and me. We had fun. I danced. But I always have this melancholy inside. I can't help it.
The second part of the night, at the Amstrong, needs another entry. But one thing is for sure: I need to change my behaviour with a lot of people. I don't wanna hurt anyone.


Anonymous said...

estuvo muy gusta la marcha "casablancaise", me gusta salir contigo gusta encontrarte como te deje hace unos anos...que quizas tengas que cambiar tu forma de ser con algunas personas?y porque no deberian ellos entenderte tal y como eres, no pedirte mas de lo que puedes dar??il ne s'agit pas de faire ou ne pas faire de mal...à mon avis, le jour où tt le monde comprendra que nos envies ne sont pas forcement partagées et que des fois c'est unilateral, on se posera bcp moins de questions existentielles...

Unknown said...

I totally agree with Jiji (despite my limited spanish), we are created equal but we do evolve differently in life. People can be quite different: different tastes, different needs, different choices, different perceptions. It is ok not be the same it is ok not to have the same feelings. And most importantly it is important to have the serenety to accept these differences :)
Continue to have a great stay in Casa, worry a little less, and let us know how we can make it a better world for you :)
Take care