Hi from...Phoenix, Arizona, en escale. Quitté ma maman avec beaucoup de larmes et très peu de courage. Ai-je déjà dit que je ne supportais plus les avions? Stories, very soon...
T'as vu ta maman? Mais c'est bien! Pour les avions, j'ai tjrs adoré les prendre sauf depuis peu car mon côté mamma marroukia fataliste me fait dire what if...what would happen to my kids... But hey between a plane and 20 hours drive I'll take the place anytime. Last time I was late so late that I didn't think I would make it but because we live in a small province I made it to the plane. Now, I say well if I have to die I will (c'est le fatalisme de mon père copie conforme) and life will still go on... Big Mwahs wherever you are!
bsima> contente que tu aies recu la carte :)) big bisous!
fays> hope to see you sooon!! Bizes!
manal> big hugs!
el mono volador> best trip ever, how did you guess? hihihi B&N
Loula> maman est restee un peu avec moi a Berkeley,j'ai fait le plein! ;) i'm fed up with planes,but i can't stand the road either,so... big bisous Loula!
I puke in planes.
On the Road again :)
Have a nice trip... Bisous
Be strong huney...You know you are and you get through *hugs*
big hugs naj'
Jetsetter in the true meaning of the term! :-) I hope that you'll have the best trip ever!
T'as vu ta maman? Mais c'est bien!
Pour les avions, j'ai tjrs adoré les prendre sauf depuis peu car mon côté mamma marroukia fataliste me fait dire what if...what would happen to my kids... But hey between a plane and 20 hours drive I'll take the place anytime. Last time I was late so late that I didn't think I would make it but because we live in a small province I made it to the plane. Now, I say well if I have to die I will (c'est le fatalisme de mon père copie conforme) and life will still go on...
Big Mwahs wherever you are!
LB> lol not me
bsima> contente que tu aies recu la carte :)) big bisous!
fays> hope to see you sooon!! Bizes!
manal> big hugs!
el mono volador> best trip ever, how did you guess? hihihi B&N
Loula> maman est restee un peu avec moi a Berkeley,j'ai fait le plein! ;) i'm fed up with planes,but i can't stand the road either,so...
big bisous Loula!
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